Today is the start of our Appreciation Week!
Each day of the week, our chefs from MedHospitality, working in the restaurants of the Hôpitaux Robert Schuman will be honoured, as well as a dish prepared by them which is particularly dear to their hearts.
Aurélie opened the ball this Monday with her favorite dish revisited with veal, called “Les briques d’Aurélie”, a real delight!
Discover the first episode of the second season of our series “Wou deet et wéi?”, a campaign highlighting the progress of medicine and clinical practices over time, produced in collaboration with RTL Lëtzebuerg and the Hôpitaux Robert Schuman.

In this episode, Dr Caroline Scheiffer (nephrologist) and Alexander Kranz (head of the dialysis department at the ZithaKlinik), present the evolution of techniques and practices used in nephrology, as well as some preventive advice.

The episodes can be seen and reviewed on Acteur de ma santé.

Discover “Wou deet et wéi?“, our campaign highlighting the progress of medicine and clinical practices over time, produced in collaboration with RTL Lëtzebuerg and the Hôpitaux Robert Schuman.

In this first episode of the second season, Prof. Claude Braun (Medical Director of the HRS), Dr. Tom Buck and Dr. Stephen Zewinger, nephrologists, present the specialty of nephrology and renal diseases.

All podcasts of the series are available on Acteur de ma santé.

Only a few days left to discover the second issue of our magazine Health Bells, in collaboration with and the Hôpitaux Robert Schuman!

Last Friday, a shipment of medical supplies left the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg for the Poltava province in central Ukraine. The transport was the result of a collaboration between the Lions Foundation Luxembourg, the Lions Club Xenium, LUkraine asbl, Pharmaciens sans Frontières Luxembourg, POST Luxembourg, Santé Services S.A. (MedLogistics) and the Caritas Foundation Luxembourg, following an appeal from the authorities of the province of Poltava to help hospitals in the region.

For more than 10 years, the European healthcare industry and its actors have always had to adapt to a fast-changing environment: being put under pressure by an aging population with more expectations, ongoing changes of regulations in every sector of the industry and the race to new technologies. Market players had to show furthermore resilience and reactivity with the COVID19 pandemic that brought to light all the limits of the sector: shortage of manpower, of vital products, difficulty amongst the different actors to collaborate, lack of quantitative data, and difficulty of quick decision making.

From a vision to a defined strategy

Facing these issues on a daily basis, some actors, like the Laboratoires Réunis (LR) have decided to challenge the status quo by investing in its technological and organisational model towards a more flexible and resilient way of working: a “new operating model”. With the reality of this ambitious project, LR had to move from a firefighting spirit to a proactive management system and needed to equip itself with the necessary skills for its success.

To be supported in this challenging journey, LR found a partner with this skill set in the name of Santé Services, a sister-company of the Hôpitaux Robert Schuman, that gathers Subject Matter Experts with a great variety of backgrounds and an approach tailormade to the healthcare sector. The transformation journey is a complementary mix of organisational, technological and cultural changes.

In close collaboration, we offered a pragmatic approach to stage the different projects of the transformation program:

  1. Definition of the corporate strategy with clear business and operational objectives, allowing the identification of all the impacts and the preparation of a strategic roadmap
  2. Analysis, prioritization and correlation of the different projects (ERP implementation, supply chain optimisation…)
  3. Employee empowerment trough Strategy deployment or Lean Management for continuous improvement


Today, Santé Services & LR are partners in the middle of this transformation journey involving all the different departments of the laboratory. A journey to success.

Bringing innovation and new ways of caring for the patient: Glucare

In a concern of constant innovation, bringing new approaches, technologies and operating modes for our clients and business partners, Santé Services teamed-up with a start-up to transform patient care: from today’s scattered care to tomorrow’s continuous monitoring.

This new and exciting challenge came with the striking fact that 30% of the world population is or will develop type 1 Diabetes. To join acts with our values and motto, we decided to drive a pilot project in Luxembourg to help spread the possibility for early diagnosis and we partner with several institutions to implement the solution, optimize their processes and data accordingly to enhance their service offering.

Your Health, Our DNA

Behind this motto, we reflect our vision and values. In everything we do, we aim at positively impacting the global health. We are dedicated to our clients and it comes at heart to enhance their situation to ensure they will have a significant impact on their patient. This motivation came in light when we have measured that a nurse actually spends 40% of its time caring for a patient, which is not enough. The other 60% covers administrative or logistics tasks. This indicator is thus a perfect match to measure the level of service to a patient. By bringing innovative or out-of-the-box solutions, we strive to empower experts and support their institutions to find pragmatic but also realistic solutions to facilitate their daily work. This, always, has cultural and human considerations, we ensure our actions have a sustainable impact on the teams.


Santé Services became our inevitable business partner. Their consultants have the ability to create strong relationships with the people from our company which helped us to challenge the existing way of working: from firefighting to a structured and proactive operating model.

Dr Stéphane Tholl, Deputy CEO, Laboratoires Réunis


Discover the whole magazine

A empresa Santé Services, com sede na capital do país, produziu até agora entre 16 a 17 milhões de máscaras de proteção, utilizando apenas materiais europeus. Garante que o consumidor se habituou a um produto “local e de qualidade superior”.

Mais visibilidade, mais projetos, mais parcerias e cerca de 20 trabalhadores a mais. Em poucas palavras, é este o balanço dos últimos dois anos para a empresa luxemburguesa Santé Services.

Com sede na cidade do Luxemburgo, a Santé Services foi a primeira empresa luxemburguesa a lançar-se na produção de máscaras e garante que é única a utilizar apenas materiais europeus, como referiu à Rádio Latina, Romain Labé, chefe do departamento de MedLogistics.

Veja a entrevista

Throwback at the Luxembourg Healthcare Gala Dinner organized by Farvest Group a few days ago. The objective of the evening was to highlight practices and initiatives in the medical sector, but also to contribute to the sharing of information and knowledge in this industry, as well as to explore how technology impacts our daily lives.

Santé Services ,along with their talented catering team MedHospitality, had the pleasure of delighting guests with a performance befitting the event. A big thank you to them, as well as Farvest for the organization!

Our Ho’Co Food Truck is now available for rent!

Sweet or savory, we will answer all your desires with a personalized formula on request.

For more information:

  • +352 621 746 038