Would you like to take advantage of HORESCA’s facilities?
Take an appointment in the self-testing center (95, Grand Rue L-1161 Luxembourg) :

  • Saturday 22/05: 10am-6pm
  • Sunday 23/05 : 10am-2pm
  • Monday 24/05 : 10h-14h

On presentation of a voucher offered by the City of Luxembourg (VDL) or against payment of 12,5€ (card only).

If your test is negative, you will be given a certificate of validation of your test. This test will be valid for 24 hours in the HORESCA establishments.

Yesterday was the inauguration of the machine for the virucidal treatment of Santé Services masks in collaboration with MPG.

These masks are available for sale in the coming weeks on www.medlogistics.lu.

Today, Santé Services took part, together with the Hôpitaux Robert Schuman, in the “Mets tes baskets” (Put on your sneakers) solidarity and virtual challenge organized by the ELA Luxembourg association.

Participants put on their sneakers in the Hôpitaux Robert Schuman establishments or at home and took up the challenge by counting 321,412 steps, walking or running for the good cause.

A check will soon be given to the association, on the principle “one step counted = one cent of euros”.

Thank you and congratulations to all participants!

Following the drawing contest organized a few weeks ago, we are proud to present you the design of our new mask boxes for children. We were more than delighted with the number of participants, but especially with their talent!

These new boxes are currently in production and will be available for sale in the coming weeks.

Thanks again to all the children who participated in the contest!

Santé Services’ FFP2 masks can be customized with your company logo.

  • Your logo on the side of the mask
  • Logo color: black
  • Different logo sizes
  • From 200 units
  • Low prices (+0,05€ per mask)


More infos :


You want to organize an event as part of the Covid Check plan?
Santé Services will take care of everything for you!

  • Equipment
  • Tests
  • Certification
  • Accompaniment of the people to be tested

The CovidCheck system is applicable to individuals, associations, companies, public institutions or events welcoming the public. During a CovidCheck event, the entrance is reserved exclusively for people who have been vaccinated, cured or tested negative (self-testing on site or certified negative result).

More info:



Back to the BGL BNP Paribas Luxembourg Open at the Kockelscheuer a few days ago, sponsored by MedLogistics and its Made in Luxembourg masks.

Thanks to BGL BNP Paribas and IWTP for the organization in the respect of the sanitary measures and congratulations again to Clara Tauson for her first title in Luxembourg.

The Made in Luxembourg masks are available on demand via email : info@medlogistics.lu.

In addition to integrity, excellence and sustainability, Santé Services values solidarity, especially in this time of health crisis.

A few days ago, we sent a donation of nearly 1.2 million masks to the Institut Pasteur. These masks will then be shipped to Sub-Saharan Africa for a project that focuses on the surveillance of SARs-CoV-2 variants.

Ëmmer nees stelle verschidde Leit den Zweck an d’Effikassitéit vu Masken an aneren Zorte vun engem Mond- an Nueseschutz a Fro.

RTL huet bei Santé Services vun den Hôpitaux Robert Schuman nogefrot, wéi eng Ënnerscheeder et bei de Stoffer ginn. D’Firma zu Gaasperech produzéiert zënter September 2020 selwer EU-genormte chirurgesch Masken an an Tëschenzäit och FFP2-Masken.

Bei de chirurgesche Maske ginn et 3 Typpen, déi tëscht 95% an 98% filteren. Allerdéngs schützen dës Masken net d’Persoun, déi se unhuet, mee déi aner, well se Viren a Mikroben net no baussen erausléisst. FFP2-Masken dogéint filteren an zwou Richtungen a schützen deemno och d’Persoun, déi esou eng Mask unhuet.

Wat stoffte Masken ugeet, sou géifen och dës sécherlech dofir suergen, dass Mikroben zréckgehale ginn, allerdéngs géif et keng eenheetlech Norm fir sou Maske ginn an dofir wiere se och ganz ënnerschiddlech effikass. Bei just enger Schicht Stoff, wéi zum Beispill bei engem Buff, mierkt een allerdéngs, dass dat net immens dicht ass.

Eng Mask ass awer och just dann eng Hëllef, wann ee se richteg undeet. Hei gëllt et d’Nues an de Kënn komplett ze bedecken an opzepassen, dass néierens Lächer sinn, déi Fuitte kéinten zouloossen.


Read the whole article on RTL.LU.