The ninth issue of Health Bells, published by Santé Services, is now available! Distributed with the Luxemburger Wort, Health Bells is also available free of charge at the 4 establishments of the Hôpitaux Robert Schuman.
- A thematic dossier on ophthalmology: pediatric ophthalmology, ophthalmological emergencies and return from mission
- Exclusive interview with the directors of CBM and CDV
- Managing emotional distress?
- The job of the operating theatre nurse
- An interview with Dr Michelle Berna-Thill, referral ophthalmologist at HRS and Dr Philippe Steinmetz, referral ophthalmologist at CHDN.
- A nutrition report on eggplants
- A dossier on sport and health
- Health events in Luxembourg
Enough to keep you going for a few more months before you can leaf through the next issue!
To read the full magazine, go to our dedicated page.